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09/06/2018 - API Q1, 9th Edition, Addendum 2

Quality Management for Manufacturing Organizations for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry

Addendum 2 for the 9th Edition of API Specification Q1, Quality Management for Manufacturing Organizations for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry, has been published (June 8, 2018).

The Addendum 2 document, along with a copy of this notification, can be found on the API website at Program Specs & Updates

Effective Date: June 1, 2019

Following content of main changes:

- added definition of supply chain with reference to Suppliers and Sub-Suppliers (§3.1.22)

- design output implemented topic including criticality of activities in addition to products and components deemed critical for design (§5.4.3.d)

- purchasing control text replacement of clauses § (procedure), § (initial evaluation), § (assessment), § (re-evaluation), § (process require validation outsourced), §5.6.2 (applicable specifications), §5.6.3 (supply verification and related procedure)

- specific requirements related to processes validation (§ in therm of control of supply chain when outsourced and clear identification of what kind of process shall be considered

- more details related to MOC process for changes in critical supplier (§5.11.2.c)

- more clear statement related to content of procedures for corrective and preventive action (§6.4.2 and §6.4.3).

Please be advised that above overview it is not endorsed by API, but exclusively a point of view of who wrote this news; thus for details and correct reading of the requirements, you must refer exclusively to Addendum 2 downloadable from the API site.


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